What is Perpetual Futures Contracts: A Guide for Beginner 2024

Imagine a world where you can take advantage of trade opportunities that never expire, track market trends for as long as you choose, and use leverage to increase your winnings. Welcome to the world of long-term contracts for futures. Perpetual exchanges have amassed more than 100k users over the past few years and daily trading volumes exceed more than $500bn on average.

Perpetual futures contracts are revolutionizing the trading world by offering a unique and flexible approach to derivatives. Unlike traditional futures, these contracts never expire, allowing traders to maintain positions indefinitely.

Perpetual futures contracts are something you may be familiar with if you’re interested in trading cryptocurrency futures contracts.

Are you prepared to up your trading game? Now let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Perpetual futures contracts, or perpetual swaps, are derivatives that allow traders to speculate on the price of an asset without an expiration date.

  • Ensures the contract price stays close to the spot price of the underlying asset by periodically transferring funds between long and short positions.

  • Traders can hold positions indefinitely, as long as they meet margin requirements.

  • Enables larger position control with less capital; traders must maintain minimum collateral to avoid liquidation.

  • No expiry for perpetual futures; traditional futures have fixed expiration dates.

  • Intelisync offers a range of blockchain solutions, including NFT marketplaces, cryptocurrency development, and digital wallet creation.

  • Proper risk management and a well-thought-out trading strategy are crucial for success.

  • Extensive market research and understanding are essential before engaging in perpetual futures trading.

What Are Perpetual Futures contracts?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, a perpetual futures contract, often referred to as a perpetual swap, or perp swap is a kind of derivative that lets traders make forecasts about the value of an asset.
Futures contracts, or just futures, represent the seller and the buyer to sell an item at a specific date in the future for a predetermined price, independent of the commodity’s market value on that day.
One kind of futures contract without an expiration date is a perpetual futures contract.
In cryptocurrency trading, perpetual futures are a widely used financial instrument for speculating on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, they may also be used for other assets like commodities and indexes.

Main Features of Perpetual Futures

No Expiry Date: The absence of an expiration date is one of the main characteristics of perpetual futures. As a result, traders are able to hold their positions without having to close them or roll over their contracts.

Funding Rate Mechanism: The contract’s price is guaranteed to match the spot price of the underlying asset by this feature. The financing rate fluctuates over time in response to changes in the market and can be either positive or negative. It affects the cash flow on the platform by encouraging or discouraging traders to keep positions.

Leverage: With perpetual futures, traders may use leverage to manage a larger position with a smaller initial investment. Since leverage may magnify gains as well as losses, risk management is essential.

Settlement at Mark-to-Market: Through this procedure, your margin balance is adjusted in real time as gains and losses are settled on a daily (or even hourly) basis. You can receive a margin call to restock your balance if the market swings against your position and your capital drops below the maintenance margin.

Advantages of Perpetual Contracts

Continuous Trading Opportunities: One of the main advantages of perpetual futures contracts is the ability to trade continuously without the constraints of contract expiration. This feature allows traders to maintain positions for as long as they want, provided they can meet margin requirements.

Increased liquidity: You may join or exit positions fast without significantly affecting prices in the perpetual futures market, which generally offers better liquidity. Crypto liquidity providers can contribute to the seamless operation of these marketplaces.

Flexibility: You may be flexible in your trading tactics since these contracts offer ongoing trading without the requirement for rollover.

Open Always: Markets remain open 24/7, allowing for flexibility in trading schedule.

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How do it work?

  • No Expiry Date: Unlike traditional futures contracts, perpetual futures do not have a set expiration date. Traders can hold their positions for as long as they wish, provided they meet margin requirements.

  • Funding Rate: A crucial mechanism that ensures the contract price stays close to the underlying asset’s spot price. This rate is periodically exchanged between long and short position holders.
    If the contract price is higher than the spot price, longs pay shorts.
    If the contract price is lower than the spot price, shorts pay longs.

  • Leverage: Perpetual futures allow traders to use leverage, meaning they can control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. This can amplify both gains and losses.

  • Margin Requirements: To maintain a position, traders must keep a minimum amount of collateral, known as the maintenance margin. Falling below this threshold can trigger a margin call, requiring additional funds or leading to position liquidation.

  • Continuous Trading: Since there’s no expiration, trading is continuous, providing more opportunities for entering and exiting positions based on market conditions.

How does trading on perpetual contracts work?

For explaining how to trade on perpetual contracts work we are taking a example let’ see:

  • Opening a Position: Alice believes Bitcoin’s price will rise. She opens a long position in a Bitcoin perpetual futures contract at $50,000, using 10x leverage.
    Bob, on the other hand, thinks Bitcoin’s price will fall. He opens a short position at the same price, also using 10x leverage.

  • Using Leverage: Alice’s initial margin is $5,000 (10% of the $50,000 position, given 10x leverage).
    Bob’s initial margin is also $5,000.

  • Price Movement: Bitcoin’s price rises to $55,000. Alice’s position is now worth $55,000. Her profit, excluding fees and funding payments, is $5,000 (100% return on her initial $5,000 margin).

    Bob’s position is now worth $55,000 as well, but in the negative direction. He incurs a $5,000 loss, potentially leading to a margin call if he doesn’t have additional funds.

  • Funding Rate: The contract price may stay close to the spot price due to the funding rate. If the funding rate is 0.01% every 8 hours and the contract price is higher than the spot price,
    Alice (long) pays this rate to Bob (short).
    If Alice holds her position for 24 hours, she might pay three funding payments, impacting her overall profit.

  • Maintaining the Position: Alice and Bob must ensure their account balances meet the maintenance margin requirements. If Alice’s balance falls below the required maintenance margin, she may need to deposit more funds to avoid liquidation.

By understanding these mechanics and how perpetual futures work, traders like Alice and Bob can better navigate their positions, manage risks, and capitalize on market movements effectively.

Risks Associated with Perpetual Futures Contracts

  • Market Volatility: Perpetual futures contracts are highly susceptible to market volatility. Rapid price movements can lead to significant gains or losses in a short period. Traders need to be aware of this risk and employ strategies to mitigate potential losses.

  • Leverage Risks: The high leverage offered by perpetual futures can be a double-edged sword. While it allows for greater potential profits, it also means that losses can quickly accumulate, potentially exceeding the initial investment. Proper risk management and a clear understanding of leverage are essential for trading these contracts.

  • Funding Rate Fluctuations: The funding rate can fluctuate based on market conditions, impacting the cost of holding a position. Traders must monitor these rates and understand their implications to avoid unexpected costs that could erode profits.

Perpetual Futures vs. Traditional Futures

Key Differences
Basis Perpetual Futures Traditional Futures
Trading Hours Trade continuously 24/7, especially common in cryptocurrency markets, offering more flexibility and opportunities for traders. Have specific trading hours and may close during weekends and holidays, limiting trading opportunities.
Expiry Date No set expiry date, allowing for indefinite position holding. Fixed expiration date, requiring traders to close or roll over positions at contract maturity.
Funding Mechanism Use a funding rate to match contract pricing with the spot price of the underlying asset. This rate is swapped between long and short positions regularly. No funding rate; prices may deviate from the spot price until contract settlement.
Rollover No need for rollover since there’s no expiry, eliminating the hassle and cost associated with rolling over contracts. Require rollover to maintain a position beyond the contract’s expiration, involving transaction costs and potential slippage.
Purpose Often used for speculative trading, taking advantage of short-term price movements with the benefit of leverage and continuous trading. Commonly used for hedging by producers and consumers to lock in prices for future delivery, as well as for speculative purposes.
Leverage Typically offer higher leverage, enabling traders to control larger positions with less capital, which can magnify both gains and losses. Leverage is available but usually lower than in perpetual futures, providing a more conservative approach to leveraged trading.
Perpetual Futures vs. Traditional Futures
PERP DEX Development: Intelisync’s Expertise in Perpetual Future Contracts

Intelisync specializes in exchange development, enabling startups and small businesses to create and manage digital assets on blockchain platforms. We have developed extensive systems with enhanced functionality, ensuring secure token transactions in the market. Our cutting-edge features and security measures can be applied to perpetual futures trading, ensuring the safety and integrity of your digital assets.

A Fortune Business Insights study projects the blockchain market to soar from $17.57 billion in 2023 to $469.9 billion by 2030. Initially linked to cryptocurrencies, blockchain now spans various sectors, enhancing security and privacy. Intelisync specializes in cutting-edge solutions like NFT marketplace development, cryptocurrency development, blockchain wallet creation, and crypto token generation.

Our services include developing comprehensive NFT, DEFI, RWA tokenization, Centralized exchange, decentralized exchange systems, secure digital wallets, and customized cryptocurrencies with robust security measures. Embrace the future of trading with Intelisync’s advanced blockchain solutions.

Looking for tips on Liquid staking? Don’t miss our newest blog entry on Liquid Staking: An Overview for Beginners in 2024


Traders who want to speculate on asset prices without being constrained by expiration dates have a special opportunity with perpetual futures. Perpetual futures might be a desirable alternative for investors wishing to profit from market movements or manage their current positions because of features like leverage and no expiry.

Before beginning an endless futures trading career, it is essential to perform extensive study and get a firm grasp of the market, just like with any other investment..

Expertise in trading less complex products (spot and margin trading) as well as a thorough understanding of the market’s workings are requirements for trading futures.

When trading perpetual futures, you should always carefully consider your trading strategy and never risk more than you are willing to lose. You can trade perpetual futures, an intriguing and lucrative financial asset, with success if you follow these easy instructions.

Perpetual Futures Contracts


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