Optimism Implements Fault Proofs: An overview

Key Takeaways:

Fault Proofs Milestone: Enhancing security and decentralization by validating transactions off-chain before confirming them on Ethereum’s mainnet.

Layer 2 Scaling Necessity: High Ethereum gas fees make Layer 2 solutions crucial; Optimism’s rollups reduce costs by processing transactions off-chain.

Comparison with Arbitrum: Optimism allows anyone to submit fault proofs, promoting decentralization, unlike Arbitrum’s reliance on trusted validators.

Technical Challenges: Fault proofs improve security but face complexities in creation, verification, and ensuring timely challenge responses.

Decentralization Roadmap: Stage 1 activated fault proofs; Stage 2 aims for complete decentralization, removing reliance on centralized entities like the Security Council.

Criticism Addressed: Early centralization criticisms are addressed with fault proofs, showcasing Optimism’s potential for secure, scalable Ethereum solutions.

Future Outlook: The implementation of fault proofs sets a precedent for Ethereum’s scalability solutions, emphasizing ongoing innovation and decentralization efforts.


Optimism Achieves a Major Milestone

Optimism, a prominent Ethereum Layer 2 network, has recently activated fault proofs, marking the completion of stage 1 of its decentralization plan. This development is crucial for enhancing the network’s security and trustlessness, moving away from reliance on centralized entities.

Various other chains, such as Coinbase’s Base blockchain and OpenAI founder Sam Altman’s project Worldchain, utilize Optimism’s OP tech stack, along with a dozen more projects. This marks a key development for the entire ecosystem, and the OP stack chains will soon implement it as well. Additionally, Arbitrum, another optimistic rollup, that started as a fork of optimism has already had a fault proof system live since it’s main netmainnet launch in 2021.

The Necessity of Layer 2 Scaling

Ethereum’s high transaction fees have made Layer 2 scaling solutions indispensable. Rollups, both optimistic and zk-rollups, have emerged as vital technologies to address these scalability issues. By batching transactions off-chain and then submitting them to the Ethereum mainnet, rollups significantly reduce gas costs.

Ethereum is the base layer-1 chain. Optimism Fault Proofs
A comparison of Gas fees for transfer and swap transactions on various layer 2 rollups and Ethereum.

Rollups rely on proofs to ensure transaction validity—zk-rollups use validity proofs, while optimistic rollups, like Optimism, use fault proofs. These mechanisms are essential for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of transactions processed off-chain.

Understanding Fault Proofs in Optimism

Fault proofs are critical for optimistic rollups, ensuring that off-chain transactions are legitimate. Here’s how the process works:

1.Batching Transactions: Optimism batches multiple transactions off-chain and submits a single compressed proof to the Ethereum mainnet.

2.Challenge Window: After submission, there is a challenge period where anyone can contest the validity of a transaction.

3.Proof Verification: If a challenge is raised, a fault proof is provided. This proof demonstrates the invalidity of the transaction. The Ethereum mainnet then verifies this proof.

4.Reversion of Invalid Transactions: If the fault proof is valid, the fraudulent transaction is reverted, ensuring the security and correctness of the blockchain.

Previously, Optimism operated without fault proofs, relying instead on the Optimism Security Council—a centralized entity that could intervene to stop fraudulent transactions. With the activation of fault proofs, the Security Council’s role is evolving into a failsafe mechanism, allowing the system to gradually become more decentralized.

Arbitrum has had fault proofs since its launch, but it relies on 12 trusted validators to generate these proofs, which means it hasn’t achieved true decentralization. Optimism’s new fault proofs can be submitted by any party by contrast, and are designed to be trustless and decentralized.

How Optimism Worked Before Fault Proofs

Before the activation of fault proofs, Optimism relied on the Optimism Security Council to maintain the network’s integrity. This council, a trusted centralized entity, was responsible for monitoring transactions and intervening to stop any fraudulent activities. The council could prevent fraudulent transactions at the last minute, ensuring network security. However, observers viewed this reliance on a centralized entity as a temporary measure, with the ultimate goal of implementing a decentralized, trustless, fault-proof system.

The Importance and Issues of Fault Proofs

Fault proofs are vital as they ensure that all transactions in an optimistic rollup are valid and trustworthy, reducing the need for central oversight. However, they are not without challenges. Some issues include:

1.Complexity: Creating and verifying fault proofs can be technically complex and resource-intensive.

2.Economic Incentives: Ensuring that participants are incentivized to challenge fraudulent transactions is critical.

3.Latency: The challenge period introduces a delay in transaction finality.
According to a discussion on Ethereum Research, one significant problem with fault proofs is their dependency on honest actors to challenge fraudulent transactions. If no one challenges a fraudulent transaction, it can go through unchallenged. This creates a potential vulnerability in the system​ ​.

Optimism’s Decentralization Roadmap

Optimism’s roadmap to decentralization is structured in stages. The recent activation of fault proofs marks the completion of stage 1. This stage includes the implementation of essential security mechanisms and the reduction of reliance on centralized entities like the Security Council. The Council will remain active during this transitional period, providing a backup while the fault proofs are rigorously tested and optimized.

Stage 2 will focus on further decentralization. This process involves completely removing the Security Council’s role once we verify the reliability of the fault proofs and integrating more community governance into the protocol. It also includes adding something called “Multi-proof systems,” where different types of proofs can be submitted, truly decentralizing the system. Additionally, it involves removing the current multi-sig wallet from the custody of the Optimism foundation and optimism security council, which can update smart contracts of the network. The goal is to establish a fully decentralized network where cryptographic proofs and decentralized consensus ensure the security and validity of transactions.

Challenges and Criticisms
Optimism’s journey to implement fault proofs has faced several hurdles. Initially, in 2021, the team encountered issues with their fault proof mechanism, such as challenges in proof generation and verification speeds, which led to delays. The current implementation has resolved these issues by optimizing the proof mechanisms and ensuring they are compatible with Ethereum’s Layer 1.
Despite these advancements, the rollup model has faced criticism, particularly around its reliance on centralized entities during the early stages.
Critics argue that this centralization undermines the trustless nature of blockchain technology. However, the successful implementation of fault proofs represents a significant step towards addressing these concerns. Demonstrating the potential of rollups to provide secure, scalable, and decentralized solutions.


The activation of fault proofs on Optimism is a major advancement in Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solutions. Furthermore, this milestone enhances the security and decentralization of the Optimism network. It also sets a precedent for other rollup technologies. As Ethereum continues to scale, the successful implementation of fault proofs on Optimism underscores the importance of ongoing innovation and rigorous testing in the blockchain space.

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